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An Affordable House – A Dream for Everyone

Everyone’s dream is to own a home. Regardless of geography or climate, everyone wants a place to be safe and call their own. Shelter is a basic human instinct. Unfortunately, this dream, this very basic necessity, is not a dream that everyone is capable of realizing.  We at Vianar Affordable Housing hope and work towards making this dream viable in India.

Given the high rate of inflation, there is an immense shortage of housing in India. Most real estate projects focus marketing and services to middle to higher income clientele. Lower income groups (LIG) and the economically weaker section (EWS) of society are often ignored in the quest of fulfilling the housing shortage.

Of late, the concept of “Affordable Housing” or “Low-incoming Housing” has emerged in India. Moreover, it has turned out to be a profitable venture for real estate companies.  The focus is a single-family unit between 4.5 and 6 lakhs.  A small EMI and low income family can now buy their dream house!  The conception of the concept of ‘Affordable Housing’ has really opened the doors for many Indians.

An Affordable House – A Dream for Everyone

An Affordable House – A Dream for Everyone

The concept of Affordable housing system has been introduced for good.  Affordable Housing is a long overdue necessity of our society. Each development should hopefully aim to also provide primary schools, kindergartens, health clinics, general stores and a community center.

A proper channel and framework is required to properly transform the affordable housing situation in today’s world. We, at VAH, strive to make housing for all a pleasant reality!